Mango Crush

Mango Crush

Lineage: Unknown
Type: Indica Dominant Hybrid

Content: 21 - 26% THC, 2.43% Terps

Flowering Time: 52-58 days

Yield:  High

Aromatics: Mango, Fruit, Sweet

High THC, strong bag appeal, fall, winter, spring greenhouse performer. A squat, compact indica type plant with short internodes and thick and robust leaves that power strong plants. Cooler finishing temps provide hints of purple throughout the bud and contrast well with the trichomes and pistils.

Moderate to heavy feeder. Veg longer than average and irrigate with frequent small shots (and other vegetative measure)s during veg and early flower and optimize yields. Requires higher than average pruning and deleafing. Best suited for greenhouse operations with effective climate and IPM programs.

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